I like to photograph flowers – and orchids are obviously quite attractive. Finally, with some hints from Michal Vytlačil, I made a first trip aimed to get some orchid photos. The target was the Baba natural reserve near Brno, Czech Republic. Luckily, it was not that hard to find some decent flowers and the timing was almost perfect. The weather was also quite ok with no wind so shooting from tripod was possible.
First spring flowers
I did first photos of the first spring flowers of 2015 today. Not much of them yet, mostly crocuses, some snowdrops and winter aconites. Spring flowers are my favourite subject, some more to come for sure 🙂
First snowdrops of the 2015! Not the best composition but there were no other options available. I had to stack two pictures to get both flowers sharp.
Group of purple crocuses. I did hundreds of these and I still like it, nice flowers!
Winter aconite (Eranthis) is usually the first flower to appear. I was lucky to find this nice group of them.